Monday, October 18, 2021

Halloween Count Down #1: Vampire's Den

It was late, and Noel knew she should be home in bed. Instead she was wandering the town, with the street lamps as her only company, even the moon was covered by clouds. The streets were barren like a ghost town, even the bars had emptied out, leaving the world in stark silence. There was a chill in the air and her hands had starked to sting from the cold. Dispite all this, she couldn't bring herself to go home. She couldn't go back and face her empty bed, and the memories of the man who used to lay there. 

It was when the sound of footsteps, that made her regret her decision. They followed behind her in a steady rythme and it sent a chill up her spin. She gave a quick glance back, but saw nothing. She stopped walking, and he footseps stopped. After a looking all around her, she saw no one and started walking again. The footsteps were faster now, and her heart was pounding. The unseen stalker sounded like they broke into a run, and so did she; wihout daring to look back again. She turned around street corners and and around cars, trying to loos her pursuer, but they kept pace with her. Against her better judgment, she looked back. The momentary distraction was all it look for her to slip on the frosty pavment, and land hard on her elbows. Her lungs where heaving and she squeezed her eye's shut, waiting to be caught. 

The attack she expected never came. She looked up, but she was all alone. The footsteps were gone, leaving the night quiet once more. She took a deep breath and counted to ten before she forced herself up onto her knees. Whoever had been following her owed her a knew pair of jeans; her knees were torn out and blood dripped from the scrapes. 

"Are you alright miss?"  A soft feminine voice, cut through the air. She looked up and met the rich brown eye's of a woman, who was looking down at her with concern. Noel blinked in confusion.

"Where did you come from?" She said. There hadn't been anyone nearby, she was certain. 

"I was there." She said, motioning towards an ancient looking building near by. The lights were all off but one on the bottom floor. It poured through the window, illuminating the paint chipped wall, and dead lawn, around it. "I saw you from the window, running like someone was chasing you. Are you alright?" 

"I think so." Noel said, pushing herself to her feet. She took a better look at the woman standing before her. The woman was pale as snow, and her red hair fell around her in thick, bouncy curls. She wore a long red night gown that looked siky to the touch, and a thin robe; that Noel couldn't imagine kept the cold at bay. She was a striking vison and Noel was admittedly a little star struck. 

"It appears whoever was pursuing you is gone now." She said in her creamy voice. She took Noel's hands and he fingers where icy. "Lets go inside and take care of you injuries." 

There was a voice nagging in the back of Noel's head that something was off, but it was getting quieter the closer they moved towards the house. The inside was in complete contrast to the outside. Everyhing looked extravigant, in rich scarlet and gold. It was timless and beautiful. She was speachless as she was guided through the lavish home, and the mystery woman mad her sit in a plush chair in front of a roaring fire place. The woamn left the room only to return with supplies to treat her injuries. Despite her dainty hands, the woan was able to rip the denim of her jeans easily, and she gently wiped the blood away with a wet rag. Noel almost jumped out of her skin whent he woman placed her lips on the scraps and even liked the bood up. It sent a strange and hot tingle up her entire body. The woman giggled and Noel couldn't help but blush. Why was she accting like this with a stranger? She didn't even know the womans name, but she could feel the tell-tale signs of becomeing smitten. The woman didn't give her a moment to think straight, before leaning in close to Noel's face.

"May i kiss you, beautiful lady?" The woman asked. Noel could feel her fluttery breath against her lips. 

"Yes." She croaked out unatractivly. She hadn't even thought about it before saying yes. it felt dangerous, and exciting all at once. The woman's lips were soft, but the kiss itself was hard and demanding. Noel almost forgot to breath. Her unexpected partner seemed to be an expert. She knew how to tease and touch in way the left Noel;s head spinning. The kiss moved from her lips, to her neck. It tickled and made her warm all over. She almost moaned, until she felt the bite. It happened fast, and sharp pain went through her sytem like a shock. She wanted to fight, to scream, but she couldn't move at all. The pain subssided and was replaced by a warm wave of dopamine that flutter through her. She felt hazy and lost...

...The rest of the night was blur of passion, pain, sex, and blood. 

She woke up alone in an old bed. The room around her was decrepit and hallow. She found her cloths scatterd all around the floor, and she quickly dressed herself. The holes in the walls were letting in the cold morning air. The walk throught the housee, was no different then the bedroom. The entire buillding was rotting and falling apart. A skeleton of the lavish home she remembered from the night before. There was no sign of the mysterious woman and she had no choice but to make the walk home. She thought she'd have more 'the morning after' regets, but as she ran her hand over the numerous bit marks on her neck and shoulders, she didn't have any. 

Though it was going to be that much harder to return home to an empty bed. 

💜 Thank you for reading! This is the first installment of my Halloween Count Down so theirs plenty more to come! Each will be a different monster theme! Tonight's spotlight is fellow writer Bixby, a sweetheart that I have a lot in common with so be sure to check her out! 💜

Poem: Brave

  Text for screen readers   title:  Brave I wish i was brave I wish words didn't barb my throat I wish they didn't scratch and scrap...