Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Short Story: Snow Globe

A Christmas present for Cinnamon Goddess 

Request: Snow globes, beauty, paranormal 

     Ever since Thomas was little he had a secret. 

     You see, his family lived above an old theater where people used to dance, or so he’d been told. His grandmother told him that they used to put on elaborate performances of The Nutcracker around christmas time. What she didn’t know was that they still did. 

     He first noticed something was strange when he was 8 years old or so. He had stayed up late to try and catch a glimpse of Santa Claus. Laying in hiding behind the couch, he waited until the moon was high. An eight year old only had so much patience, not to mention his butt had fallen asleep and his foot itched, so he found himself tiptoeing through the apartment. First he went into the kitchen to grab a glass of milk, and when he returned he heard a strange sound. It almost sounded like flutes. He looked all around the room and realized there was a soft glow coming from his grandmother's snow globe collection. Chills ran up and down his spine and he couldn't tell if it was from fear or because the room was growing colder. The music rose as the temperature dropped and he walked on tingling feet towards the light. 

     Inside the snow globes was a fantastical sight. The fake snow was swirling around little moving figures. They were unclear at first, but soon the transparent shapes took the form of dancers. The pale figures were jumping and spinning in tandem to mysterious music and he was enraptured by long legs and lithe arms. The dancers' hair was pulled up from their faces showing off their soft features. The sight had stirred something in him he hadn't been able to pin down at the time. Looking back, he could see clearly. He wanted to be them.he wanted to capture that grace, that softness and bottle it for himself. To this day, every Christmas Eve he watched the old theater ghosts dance their haunting performance and dreamed of being so beautiful. 

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Poem: Brave

  Text for screen readers   title:  Brave I wish i was brave I wish words didn't barb my throat I wish they didn't scratch and scrap...