Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Mini Series: Seven Nights #5

The Sixth Night 


    He sat on the bedroom floor, eating green beans from a can. He hadn't slept and he only knew it was day, because of the slivers of light slipping through the sloppily hung drapes. His mind could only offer maddening thoughts.

    He was all alone in this place.

    What if none of it was real?

    What if he was losing it? 

    The walls closed in, the air almost too heavy to breathe, his lungs straining. He had no plan to get out, pain still shooting up his leg, and was too tired to think.

    It occurred to him, just for a moment, that he might die there.

    A sound filled the room, that he didn't quite register at first. He thought it was a ringing in his ears, but that kind of ringing didn't have a beat. He shot up straight and scrambled across the floor to his phone, clutching it tightly and answering without even looking at who it was.

    "Hello?!" He said desperately, hands shaking.

    "Tim?" A soft and familiar voice said. "It's me, Bre." 

    "Bre?" He said confused. He hadn't heard from his old friend in years.    

     "I just heard about your break up," she said. "I was so worried and no one can seem to find you. Are you hiding out somewhere?" 

    "I-I-I'm in France." He stuttered out. He was really starting to question his sanity. Was he really on the phone with Bre? The last time he had spoken to her it had been a huge fight. She had wanted him to dump his boyfriend; she said James was a red flag and couldn't be trusted. Tim hadn't listened to her then. 

    "France!?" She exclaimed. "What are you doing all the way over there!?" 

    "Long story." He said. "I inherited my grandfather's place… I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. You were right about everything from the start and I-"

    "Hey, hey! It's ok." She reassured him. "All that matters now is that you're ok." 

    "I want to see you." He said, hands shaking. "I want to come home." 

    "I don't think that's a good idea." She said, "Listen. James is looking for you everywhere. He even went to your parents' place. It wasn't pretty. It's safer for you there right now." 

    He sat in silence staring at the wardrobe in front of the bedroom door. 

    "Hey, I'll come to you." She said, "I'll get some tickets, and come to you as soon as I can, I promi-" 

    The call cut out as the battery on his phone finally died. Once again he was alone.     

    Or was he? 

    He had replayed the previous night in his head over and over, it seemed like the Gargoyle had been trying to help him. There were old myths about Gargoyles warding off evil, and if ghosts and spirits were real, then maybe. Just maybe.

    When night had fallen again he reluctantly walked out into the halls once more. He wandered, listening closely for the 'THUD-thud THUD-thud THUD-thud THUD-thud' of footsteps. He gripped the cane in his hands tighter as the whispers began, but he kept moving. His leg throbbed as the voices drew louder and then-

    THUD-thud THUD-thud THUD-thud THUD-thud

    The voices quieted. The shadows scattered. He watched with bated breath and shaking hands, as the stone beast showed itself. It walked slow, hunched over, out of the darkness of the corridors ahead. This close, he could hear its heavy breathing and see the animalistic sheen of its red eyes. Their eyes were locked, but for some reason —maybe because of the other night— Tim wasn't afraid. 

    “Hello?,” he said cautiously. 

    It stared at him, unresponsive, almost seeming like stone once again. He took a step closer to it, then another. 

    “You shouldn't be here.” A voice like gravel rolled out of its maw, and Tim jumped out of his skin. 

    He hadn't actually been expecting it to talk.

    “I-I'm sorry?” Tim said, unsure how else to respond. 

    “Humans are not safe in this place,” it- no he replied. “Not now that they are let in.” 

    “I noticed,” Tim said awkwardly. “But I can't leave.” 

    “As you wish.” The Gargoyle started to turn away from him, and he jumped forward in a panic.

    “Wait!,” he exclaimed, hand outstretched. 

    The Gargoyle actually stopped, and looked back to Tim with his red gaze. 

    “Please, I don't want to be alone.” It was a desperate plea from deep in his bones. 

    He was so tired, and it wasn't just the house. He was so tired of feeling alone. His loneliness was consuming him just as much as the fear. He couldn't bear it a second longer. He needed someone. Anyone. Yes, even the spooky fucking Gargoyle. 

    The silence stretched across the hall between them before the Gargoyle finally said, “As you wish.”

    The large creature walked towards him with his heavy steps and Tim found himself being picked up and carried, one strong arm behind his back and the other beneath his legs. He wanted to protest but only stutters left his mouth, unable to speak out of pure embarrassment. The last time he had been carried like this was… he didn't think he'd ever been carried like this before. 

    Despite his reservation, the deceptively stone colored skin pressed against him was soft, and warmth leached into his body for the first time since coming to the cursed place. There was such strength in the limbs that held him, an assurance that he wouldn't be dropped. It was impossible not to relax into them. He was carried all the way back to the master bedroom, the Gargoyle having to hunch through the door, and was placed on the bed. There was a moment, a single moment where the strange being leaned over him, that his mouth went dry and his mind went places far away from reality. Then he moved away and it was gone as quickly as it had come. 

    “Sleep.” The Gargoyle said as he sat in front of the door. 

    Tim just stared at him; it was completely surreal. 

    “Sleep.” He said again more firmly.

    “Will you come closer?” Tim asked. 

    Silence, another awkward pause, and then he moved to the floor by the side of the bed. Maybe it was childish. Maybe it was desperation. Tim reached his hand out and touched the Gargoyle’s arm. Feeling the warmth in his hand, and finally being able to rest. 

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4: 

Poem: Brave

  Text for screen readers   title:  Brave I wish i was brave I wish words didn't barb my throat I wish they didn't scratch and scrap...