Sunday, October 24, 2021

Halloween Count Down #3: Night of The Werewolf

He woke up groggy and sore. The sun beams that struck his face refused to let him go back to sleep. He had no choice, but to force himself up. As he rubbed his face with his hands, attempting to wipe the sleep away, he realized something was wrong. His hands were wet? he looked down and his heart stopped. Blood was everywhere. It was all over his hands, his torso, the bed sheets. He leaped to his feet and looked all around. He was completely alone. 

"What happened?" He mumbled to himself, holding his head between both hands. "I can't remember what happened last night." his sleepy brain was slow to process information, but it occured to him that this wasn't his room. A quick glance at the tree out the window told him this wasn't even his apartment building. This was someones house. He moved closer to the window hoping for a familare land mark, but there were only trees all around. He didn't have any cluewhere he was, but it definetly wasn't the city. His first thought was that he had been drugged. He may not remember what happened the night before, but he knew it had been a saturday, so the bar was not out of the question. The blood on the other hand? Well he didn't feel any pain. A once-over of his body didn't reveal any injuries, and he wasn't wearing any cloths to determine if there had been a struggle. He couldn't stop his hands from shacking, but he also couldn't just stand there and wait, so he approached the door slowly, and peaked out into the hallway. The hall was long, but empty. All the doors were shut and there were only a few paintings hung up. It didn't look particularly nefarius, but that didn't mean much. He crept down the hall, trying to be as quiet as possible. He felt lighter on his feet then usual, and chalked it up to adrenalin. He made it to the stairs, and the way they creaked beneath him gave him a heart attack each an every time. He made it to the bottom, and took a deep breath. If he was lucky the house was empty.

"What are you doing?" A voice cut through the air. He jumped and tunred around harshly ready to fight. It was a woman, in pajama pants and an over sized sweater. He had to admit, she didn't look very intimidating, but he'd been kidnapped, so? 

"What are you doing?!" Was his inteligent retort. The woman rolled her eyes and grabbed a blanket fromt he couch behind her. 

"At least cover yourself." She snapped. "I mean, my god." 

he hadn't htought about the fact that he was still entirely naked in front of this woman, and he wrapped the blanket around himself as fast as possible.

"Where am i?" He demanded, trying to maintain his dignity. 

"My house." She said like it should have been obvious. "YOU passed out in MY yard."

"I-" his voice caught for a moment. "I don't remember that. What the hell is happening? Why am i covered in blood? And why am i naked?!" 

"Well I'm not an expert on Werewolves," she said. "But, I'm guessing you lost your cloths when you transformed, and as for the blood; i saw a pretty mangled dear about a quarter mile out from the house. Like i said, you passed out in my yard and changed back into you regular dude self. It was a bitch carrying you up stairs."

"...You're full of shit." he said after a long pause. 

"I don't do bullshit. I have you on my pouch camera." She snapped. This was too much. This was way to much. He started to feel dizzy and stumbled back to sit on the steps. The woman took a few steps towards him and sighed. "Look, lets get you some cloths and coffee. Then we can watch the video." 

He didn'y know what else to do, so he let the woman lead him back upstairs. She itroduced herself as Clair. She had some sweatpants and another baggy sweater that where to big on her, but fit him pretty well. While he was changing in the bathroom he ended up crouched over the toilet vomiting blood and bits of bone. It made him shudder ad the sight of it make him vomit again. The second time only bile came up. He walked back down the stairs on shaky legs and as promised Clair had coffee for him. She put a laptop infront of him and played the recorded footage from her pourch. At first it was pitch black, then the pouch light came one, likely set to a motion sensor. There was signs of rustling in the shrubbery. A snout poked out, that could have belonged to a wolf, but the creature that crawled its way into the light was something so much more terrifying. The was shaggy and covered in blood. It walked on all fours at first with its back arched at a painful angle, then i stood up straight like a person and sniffed the air. It suddenly started to scratch its in head and made horrible, horrible cries. It howled liek it was suffering and he watched it shift back into a man. he watched it shift back into him. As soon as he looked completely normal again, he collapsed on the ground and the sillouette of a woman, probably Clair, ran off the pouch towards him. He sat for a long time not knowing what to say. Clair was staring at him, with more interest then fear. 

"So, you really don't remember anything?" She asked.

"No, nothing." He confirmed.

"so, it's your first time them?" She said. He chuckled a little at that.

"Yeah, it's definetly my first." He said. "I don't even know how this happened. Don't you have to like, get bitten or something?"

"Hell, if i know." She said with a shrug. "Maybe you just don't remember being bitten, if you cant remember last night at all."

"Yeah, i guess." He said. He looked at clair with curiosity. "Aren't you like, scared or something? Who brings a strange man into their house at night, let alone a guy who you just saw as a big wolve monster."

"Are you kidding." She laughed. "This is probably the most interesting thing thats ever happened to me. I would have never forgiven myself if i let this opportunity slip by."

"Well, thanks." He said. "so, how the hell do i get home?" 

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