Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Mini Series: The Sea Witch #2

 The Sea Witch #2

 The mer prince tried to forget what happened at the Whale Graveyard, tried to move on, but no matter what he did he couldn't quell his curiosity. 

 Against his better judgment, he returned to the graveyard, seeking out the strange man who he now believed to be a real sea witch. The first few times he tried going back, he was chased off in much the same way as the first time. He was never hurt, so despite everything, he kept returning. Eventually, the sea witch began tolerating his presence. The prince would observe him and try to figure out what strange potions or spells the man was making. 

 The witch almost never spoke, seemingly observing him as well. There was a heavy tension in the air, but before long that faded as well. His visits become routine. 

 This day was different. When the prince came it was with shaking hands, and rocks in his chest. 

 "I have a request." He said.

 "Name it." The witch said, glancing over his shoulder after a moment of silence. 

 "Can you make me human?" The prince asked. 

 "I can do anything your heart desires." The witch replied. "However, all magic comes with a price. Can you carry the burden of your choice?" 

 "Yes!" The prince said. "I will pay any price. Why is it?"

 "When the time comes, you will know." The witch said, his voice dropping. "Now go. This will take… preparations."

The prince left as he was told, and tried to ignore the increasing weight in his chest. He tried to ignore the strange sounds everyone heard coming from the graveyard at night, and tried to ignore the strange rusted color of the moon. He kept hearing gossip about whales sinking ships in unnatural numbers, and sailors bodies going missing. Finally he returned to the Graveyard to see what the witch had done. There was a large cauldron in the cavern, filled with a thick red liquid. 

"What is this?" He asked the witch.

"This is what you asked for." The witch replied. "Drink it and you will become human, if you return to the sea, you will turn back."

"Is there a catch?" The prince asked, beginning to doubt himself. 

"Always, but you will only know in time." The witch said. He took a large shell and scooped up a glob of the red substance. "Do you still desire to be human?" 

"Yes." The prince said, his voice quivering. He took the shell, and drank deeply. The thick liquid filled up his throat and he could hardly breath. His insides began to twist and burn. He dropped the shell and curled in on himself, clutching his stomach, retching up red. Shocks of pain went through every nerve ending, and the last thing I saw was the witch's pitying expression.

Everything went black. 

Part 1:

Part 3:

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